Queer emergency aid Uganda and LSVD call for support for queer communities and activists

Berlin/ Kampala, 03.04.2024. Despite national and international protests, the Ugandan Constitutional Court upheld large parts of the draconian anti-homosexuality law on April 3, 2024. The mere “attempt” of same-sex acts can be punished with up to ten years, the “execution” with life imprisonment and repeated same-sex acts can be punished with the death penalty. Human …

Petition for persecuted LGBT+ – Sign now!

In this petition, the Alliance Queer Emergency Uganda calls on the German government to grant humanitarian visas to LGBTIQ+ people from Uganda who are particularly at risk. Since the draconian and inhumane “Anti-Homosexuality Act” came into force, LGBT people in Uganda have been excluded and persecuted at the state, church and social levels. They face …

Open letter to the federal government

Dear Chancellor Scholz,Dear Foreign Minister Baerbock,Dear Minister of the Interior Faeser,Dear Development Minister Schulze,Dear Queer Representative Lehmann, the so-called Anti-Homosexuality Act is a Uganda law that intolerably threatens and restricts the life, liberty, and civil rights of LGBTIQ* people in Uganda. This law became effective when signed by the President of Uganda, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, …

LGBTQI+ persecution in Uganda: emergency alliance formed

New queer alliance launches major nationwide fundraising campaign for LGBTQI+-.Community in Uganda and calls for political sanctions Berlin, 23.6.2023 — Under the umbrella “Queer Emergency Uganda” starts today a broadAlliance of over 40 organizations, institutions and individuals from Germany,Ghana and Uganda a nationwide fundraising campaign. 100 percent of the money goes tothe East African country’s …