Petition for persecuted LGBT+ – Sign now!

In this petition, the Alliance Queer Emergency Uganda calls on the German government to grant humanitarian visas to LGBTIQ+ people from Uganda who are particularly at risk.

Since the draconian and inhumane “Anti-Homosexuality Act” came into force, LGBT people in Uganda have been excluded and persecuted at the state, church and social levels. They face up to 20 years in prison and even the death penalty. The public is required by law to denounce LGBT+ to the authorities. Otherwise, she will also face long prison sentences.

In our petition, we demand that the federal government:

  • Humanitarian visas for LGBT+ people at particular risk and persecution.
  • Sanctions and withdrawal of visas for all members of parliament, government officials, and religious leaders who supported the law.
  • Stop funding organizations that lobbied for the “Anti-Homosexuality Bill,” especially the Inter-Religious Council of Uganda (IRCU).
  • Provide emergency financial assistance to LGBTIQ* organizations on the ground so they can fund emergency measures to protect queer people.
  • Update of the travel advice for Uganda on the website of the German Foreign Office to include a reference to the “Anti-Homosexuality Act”.

Please sign our petition on AllOut to help keep LGBT+ from Uganda safe.

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